+Bromo Cresol Purple (15mg per vial) *
+Lactic Acid Solution-10% (10ml per vial)*
0.1% Peptone Salt Solution
Acetate Agar
Acetate Differential Agar
Acetobacter Agar (Glucose)
Acetobacter Agar (Mannitol)
Acetobacter Agar w/Liver Extract
Acetobacter Broth (Glucose)
Acetobacter Broth (Mannitol)
Actidione Agar Base without Actidione
Actidione Agar w/ Actidione
Actinomyces Agar
Actinomyces Broth
Actinomycete Isolation Agar
Albumin Glucose Supplement
Algae Culture Agar
Algae Culture Broth
Anaerobic Indicator Discs (25Discs/Vial)
Anaerobic Thioglycollate Medium Base
Anthracis Selective Supplement
Arginine Dihydrolase Broth
Aseptic Packing Line Commissioning. Medium
Ashby’s Glucose Agar
Ayers & Johnson Agar (Stock Culture Agar)
Azotobacter Agar (Glucose)
Azotobacter Agar (Mannitol)
Azotobacter Broth (Glucose)
B.C.P.-D.C.L.S. Agar
Bacillus Cereus Agar Base
Bacillus Differentiation Agar
Bacteroides Selective Supplement
Basic Fuchsin (6.0 gm per vial) *
Beef Extract Agar
Beef Extract Broth
Bennets Broth
Bi.G.G.Y. Agar (Nickerson Medium)
Bile Broth Base
Blood + Chocolate Agar Bi-plate (pack of 10)
Blood + Macconkey Agar Plate Bi-plate (pack of 10)
Blood + Mannitol Salt Agar Bi-plate (pack of 10)
Blood Agar + Chocolate Agar Combi Plate
Blood Agar + Macconkey Agar Combi Plate
Blood Agar + Mannitol Salt Agar Combi Plate
Bolton Selective Supplement
Bordet Gengou Agar Base
Bordetella Selective supplement
Brettanomyces Selective Supplement
Brewer Thioglycollate Medium
Brewer Thioglycollate Medium, Modified ( Thioglycollate Medium,Linden)
Bromo Thymol Blue Supplement (20mg per vial) *
Burkholderia Cepacia Selective Supplement
Bushnell Haas Broth
BYE Agar Base
CAL Agar (Cellobiose Arginine Lysine Agar)
Campylobacter Enrichment Broth Base (Preston Enrichment Broth Base)
Campylobacter Growth Supplement *
Campylobacter Pylori Selective Supplement-V (BFCSA) *
Campylobacter Selective Supplement (Karmali)
Campylobacter Selective Supplement with Hemin (Karmali)
Campylobacter Supplement VI (Butzler) *
Campylobacter Supplement-II (Butzler) *
Casein Yeast Magnesium Broth (NZYM Broth)
CATC Supplement
Caulobacter Medium
CC Supplement
CCDA Selective Supplement *
Cefixime Supplement
Cetrimide Broth
Cetrinix Supplement *
CFC Supplement *
Chapman Stone Agar
Charcoal Agar Base
Chloramphenicol Selective Supplement *
Chlorella Broth
Citrate Agar
Clausen Medium
Clostridium Brazier Agar Base
Clostridium Difficile Agar Base
Clostridium Perfringens Supplement
CNA Supplement
Columbia Agar
Columbia Blood Agar Base
Corn Meal Agar
Crystal Violet Lactose Agar
Cystine Heart Agar Base
Cystine Tryptone Agar
Czapek Dox Agar (Thom & Church)
Czapek Dox Agar, Modified (Modified Czapek Dox Agar)
Czapek Dox Broth
D-Nase Test Agar w/Toluidine Blue
D.C.L.S. Agar
D.T.M. Agar Base (Dermatophyte Test Agar Base)
Davis Supplemented Minimum Medium w/o Glucose
Decarboxylase Agar Base
Deoxycholate Agar
Dermato Supplement
Dextrose Agar
Dextrose Broth
Dextrose Peptone Agar
Dextrose Peptone Broth
Diphtheria Virulence Agar Base
Double Sugar Agar, Russell (Russell Double Sugar Agar)
Dulcitol Selenite Broth (Selenite-F Broth w/ Dulcitol) (Twin Pack)
ECO 157:H7 Selective Supplement
Edward.s Medium Base, Modified
Egg Yolk Agar Base
Egg Yolk Emulsion (100ml per vial) *
Eijkman Lactose Broth
Ellners Broth
Endo Agar, Modified
Enterococcus faecium Selective Supplement
Enterococcus Selective Supplement
Esculin (0.5g per vial) *
Eugonic Agar
Eugonic Broth
Eugonic LT 100 Broth Base w/o Tween 80
Eugonic LT 100 Medium Base w/o Tween 80
Fletcher Leptospira Medium Base
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium w/Beef Extract
Frey Mycoplasma Broth Base
Fungal Agar w/ low pH (Mycological Agar w/ low pH)
Fungal Broth w/ low pH (Mycological Broth w/ low pH)
Fungobiotic Agar (Mycobio Agar)
G. N. Spore Anaerobic Supplement
G.V. Selective Supplement
Gelatin Agar
Gelatin Mannitol Salt Agar (Staphylococcus Agar No. 110)
Genta – Oxy Selective Supplement
Gentamycin Selective Supplement *
George Kimmig Selective Supplement
Glucose Broth
Glucose Cystein Agar Base W/Thiamine
Glucose Yeast Peptone Agar
Glycerol Asparagine Agar Base (ISP Medium No. 5)
Gruft’s Mycobacterial Supplement *
Haemoglobin Powder (100g) *
Haemophilus Growth Supplement
Halophilic Agar
Halophilic Broth
Hanahan.s Broth (SOB medium)
Heart Infusion Agar
Heart Infusion Broth
Hemmes Medium Base
Horse Serum
Hoyle Medium Base
HS Medium
Indole Nitrate Medium (Tryptone Nitrate Medium)
Inhibitory Mold Agar, Ulrich
Inorganic Salt Starch Agar (ISP Medium No. 4)
Iron Sulphate Supplement
Iron Sulphite Agar
Jensen’s Medium
Jensens Broth
Jensens Seedling Agar
K.R.A.N.E.P. Agar Base
Kenknight & Munaier’s Medium
Kimmig Selective Supplement (Twin Pack)
King’s Medium A Base
King’s Medium B Base
King’s OF Medium Base
KL Virulence Enrichment (20 ml per vial)
Kohn Two Tube Medium No.1
Kupferberg Trichomonas Broth Base
KV Supplement
L.J. Medium Slants (Pack of 6)
L.J. Medium w/Antibiotics (13 Antibiotics + 2 Controls)
L.J. Medium w/Antibiotics (15 Antibiotics+2 Controls)
L.J. Medium w/Antibiotics (17 Antibiotics + 2 Controls)
L.J. Medium w/Antibiotics (5 Antibiotics + 2 Controls)
L.J. Medium w/Antibiotics (9 Antibiotics + 2 Controls)
L.J. Medium w/Gruft’s Supplement (Pack of 6)
L.J. Medium w/Pyruvate(Pack of 6)
Lactic Bacteria Differential Agar
Lactic Bacteria Differential Broth
Lactobacilli Supplement
Lactose Gelatin Medium
Lactose Gelatin Medium, Modified
Lactose Peptone Water
LCAT Selective Supplement
Lead Acetate Agar
Leptospira Enrichment
Letheen Agar
Letheen Agar, Modified
Letheen Broth, AOAC
Letheen Broth, Modified
Listeria Moxalactam Supplement, Modified *
Liver Broth
Liver Infusion Broth
Liver Veal Agar
Loffler Medium Base
Lowenstein Jensen Medium (L.J. Medium) w/ Glycerol (Twin Pack)
M 2 Aga
MacConkey Agar Base
MacConkey Agar,Modified
MacConkey Broth Purple (Double Strength) w/ BCP
MacConkey Sorbitol Agar (Sorbitol Agar)
Maintenance (SCY) Medium
Malachite green Broth
Malonate Broth
Malt Extract Agar Base (Malt Extract Agar w/Mycological Peptone)
Malt Extract Broth Base
Mannitol Salt Broth
Marine Agar 2216 (Zobell Marine Agar 2216)
Master Anaerobic System
Master Anaerobic System – PG
Maximum Recovery Diluent
Meat Infusion Agar (Standard Infusion Agar)
Middlebrook OADC Growth Supplement
Mitis Salivarius Agar Base
Modified Duncan Strong ( DS ) Medium
Modified Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium
Motility Sulphide Medium
Mycological Agar (Fungal Agar)
Mycological Broth (Fungal Broth)
Nalidixic Selective Supplement *
Novobiocin Selective Supplement
Novobiocin Supplement
Novobiocin Supplement *
Nutrient Agar for Oxidase
Nutrient Agar Medium
Nutrient Agar, pH 6.0 w/ 0.8% NaCl
Nutrient Broth
Nutrient Gelatin
Oat Meal Agar
OF Basal Medium
Paladium Catayst Pouch (5 pouch) 1 Box
PEMBA Supplement
Peptone Iron Agar
Peptone Water w/Phenol Red
Peptone Yeast Dextrose Agar (Cantino)
Peptone Yeast Dextrose Broth (Cantino)
Perfringens Agar Base (T.S.C./S.F.P. Agar Base)
Petri Plate Carrier
Pfizer Selective Enterococcus Agar
Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar
Phenylalanine Malonate Broth (Shaw & Clark Medium)
Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar Base
Pikovskaya.s Agar
Pikovskaya.s Broth (medium)
Plate Count Agar With BCP
PLET Agar Base
PLET Agar Base, Modified
Polymyxin B Selective Supplement
Polysorbate 80 Agar (Twin Pack)
Potassium Chlorate Supplement
Potassium sorbate 10% (10 ml per vial)
Potassium Tellurite Supplement-1% (1ml per vial) *
Potassium Tellurite Supplement-3.5% (1ml per vial) *
Potato Infusion Agar
PP Pseudomonas Selective Supplement-II
Preston Agar Base
Propionibacteria Growth Supplement
Purple Agar Base
Purple Broth Base
PYR Broth
R-2 A Broth
Rabbit Plasma Fibrinogen Trypsin Inhibitor Supplement *
Reddy’s Differential Agar,Modified (Lactic Streak Agar) (TwinPack)
Rippey Cabelli Selective Supplement
Rosolic Acid (0.1g per vial) *
RS Medium Base
Rubber Ring (Gasket)
S.F.P. Supplement (Perfringens S.F.P. Supplement)
Sabouraud Agar Glucose 4%
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Base, Modified
Sabouraud Dextrose Maltose Agar
Sabouraud Maltose Agar
Sabouraud Maltose Broth
Saccharose Broth
Safranin – 0.5% w/v
Salt Agar, Modified
Salt Broth, Modified
Salt Meat Broth
Sea Water Agar (Twin Pack)
Selenite Broth Base w/o Selenite
Selenite Cystine Broth Base
Sellers Differential Agar
Semisolid Liver Meat Medium
Semisolid Nutrient Agar
Sensitivity Test Medium500GM
Shigella Selective Supplement
Simmons Citrate Agar Slants
SM Selective Supplement
Sodium Biselenite (100g) *
Soil Extract Agar
Sorbic acid supplement
Soya Peptone Yeast Extract Agar
Soyabean Bile Broth Base
Soyabean Casein Digest Medium w/0.1% Agar
SS Agar (Salmonella Shigella Agar)
Standard Methods Agar with Tween 80 and Lecithin
Standard Nutrient Agar
Standard Nutrient Agar No. 2
Standard Nutrient Agar No.1
Standard Nutrient Broth No. 1
Standard Nutrient Broth No.2
Staph-Strepto Selective Supplement *
Staphylococcus Agar No 110 w/Azide
Sterile Swab with 0.85% Saline (Pack of 25)
Straight Nichrome Wire for Stab culture
Strepto Selective Supplement *
Streptococcus Selection Agar
Streptococcus Selection Broth
Streptococcus Thermophilus Isolation Agar
Sulphamandelate Supplement *
Sulphate API Agar w/o Sodium lactate
Sulphate API Broth w/o Sodium Lactate
T.S.C. Supplement (Perfringens T.S.C. Supplement)
TCBS Agar (Selective)
Tellurite – Cefixime Supplement
Tergitol-7 Agar (Hind)
Tergitol-7 Agar Base (Chapman)
Test Tube Carrier
Thiobacillus Agar
Thiobacillus Broth
Thioglycollate Medium w/o Dextrose
Ticarcillin Supplement
Tinsdale Agar Base
Tinsdale Supplement (Part A & B)
Todd Hewitt Broth
Toluidine Blue DNA Agar
Tomato Juice Agar
Tomato Juice Agar, Special
Tomato Juice Broth
Transgrow Medium Base
Trichomonas Modified CPLM Medium Base
Tryptic Digest Broth
Tryptone Agar
Tryptone Peptone Glucose Yeast Extract Broth Base w/o Trypsin
Tryptone Soya Agar w/ added NaCl
Tryptone Soya Agar w/Yeast Extract & Hemin
Tryptone Soya Broth w/o Dextrose (Soyabean Casein Digest Medium)
Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract Agar
Tryptone Soya Yeast Extract Broth
Tryptone Water (Tryptone Broth)
Tryptone Yeast Extract Broth (ISP Medium No. 1)
Tryptophan medium
Tryptose Agar
Tryptose Agar w/ Thiamine HCl
Tryptose Blood Agar Base
Tryptose Blood Agar Base w/ Yeast Extract
Tryptose Broth
Tryptose Broth w/ Thiamine HCl
Tryptose CycloserineAzide Agar Base
Tryptose Phosphate Broth
Universal Beer Agar (UB Agar)
V. C. N. Supplement
V.C.N.T. Supplement
VCNT Selective Supplement
Violet Red Bile Broth
Vitamin K1 Supplement
Vitamino Growth Supplement, Modified (Twin Pack) *
VP Medium (For Vibrio parahaemolyticus)
Wagatsuma Agar Base
Wang’s Semisolid Medium
Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic Agar Base
Wilkins Chalgren Anaerobic Broth Base
Wort Agar
Xylose Lysine Agar Base
Yeast and Mould Broth
Yeast Autolysate Growth Supplement *
Yeast Dextrose Agar
Yeast Extract Agar
Yeast Extract Calcium Carbonate Glucose Agar
Yeast Glucose Beef Broth
Yeast Lactose Agar
Yeast Malt Agar (ISP Medium No.2)
Yeast Mannitol Agar w/ 1.5% agar
Yeast Morphology Agar
Yeast Mould Chloramphenicol Agar,Modified
Yeast Nitrogen Base
Yeast Nitrogen Base Agar (Twin Pack)
Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids
Yeast Nitrogen Base w/o Amino Acids & Ammonium Sulphate
Yeast Phosphate Agar
Yersinia Enrichment Broth Base
Yersinia Selective Supplement
YPD Broth (YEPD Broth)
YSG Broth
Zobell Marine Broth 2216
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